no more awkward conversations

The dating and support site for people that tingle*

The dating site for people who tingle

Tingler is the largest FREE to chat dating site for people living with herpes or as we prefer to call them cold sores. Unlike mainstream dating sites, all herpes dating sites charge you money after signing up in order to chat with other members.

We think its time that stopped.

Put your credit card away.

At tingler, we want to make chatting with others free. It's nice to chat with others, especially if you come to the site after a recent new diagnosis, when things may seem just a little bit crazy. So we've made chatting free. We have some cool paid for Premium features to enhance your browsing experience, but just to be clear, you do not need a premium account to chat with others.

What about my Privacy?

Profiles can only be viewed by other signed-up site members. We encourage users to upload a face profile photo, but this is not mandatory. If you prefer you can instead upload a photo to your private album that is only visible to those that you invite. You can choose to hide your profile at any time, and Premium users also have the option of only showing their profile to other Premium users.

At tingler we never share your information with third-party organisations. We use the latest https encryption technology for securing traffic to our web servers and also encrypt all data at rest.

So what are you waiting for?

To join Tingler, click on the signup button below. It's just a quick 1-minute registration process.

Need Help From a Herpes Support Group? The Herpes Viruses Association is there to help.